I don't know many people who take exams for fun therefore, they generally take exams because they have to.
My job as a certification manager is to make the process as valuable to the company and individual as possible.
My aim is to make the process interesting, educational and rewarding - in that - the individual or company seeking certification actually gets something out of the entire process.
When building certification programs of value, the certification status, once obtained, should mean something to the certified individual.
The certified entity (individual or company) should gain access to world of new possibilities.
The individual should also know what the next step is on the certification ladder.
Certification is about growth. With each certification, the individual should be clear about the next goal or certification in sight.
Does your certification program do that?
Ask yourself.......
Do the people getting certified value their certification status?
Are they proud to say to others that they are certified?
Is there a feeling of achievement attached to attaining the goal?
The next post will discuss how to create that "value" in your program.