Monday, September 6, 2010

Conference Certification

If your company has an annual conference with over 5,000 attendees, certification exams should be offered at the conference.

Things to consider:
1) Is there a quiet room where the exams can be taken?
2) Is there computer connectivity?
3) Are you offering pre-conference exam reduced rates?
4) How will you let your conference attendees know that your exams will be available?
5) You will need to offer exams early in the morning and into the early evening - people will want that availability.

Keep tuned for a word document that will help you prepare for conference testing.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Following the 'Think' plan

Before you launch your certification program, what should you do?

Follow the 'Think' plan

Talk to your certification team and perform program research. Get the buy in of your manager, the Director of Education & the CEO. Only with that sign off, can you move forward.

Help your colleagues to see and believe in the value of the certification plan. By doing this, you will secure a loyal and dedicated base of support.

Improve your current training offerings. Ensure that your training programs are up to date and that they support and compliment your certification program.

Negotiate the best vendor contracts to support your certification program. Vendors contracts include, psychometric services, exam delivery services, marketing and fulfillment services.

Know your certification project plan (this plan includes the development, the design and the marketing plan) inside out and communicate it every week to the certification stakeholders

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The top 5 mistakes made when launching a new certification program

1) Not knowing the size of the certification audience
2) Not performing a deep and wide job task analysis that includes external partners
3) Signing on the wrong exam delivery vendor
4) Over-burdening the item writing subject matter experts
5) Not doing the "correct" marketing. Certification is a specific type of product line and needs targeted and specific marketing campaigns.